
Woodwork Cover.jpg
Woodwork Print A Get Lost.jpg
Woodwork Print B Underscore.jpg
Woodwork Print C Odd Couple.jpg
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Woodwork Cover.jpg
Woodwork Print A Get Lost.jpg
Woodwork Print B Underscore.jpg
Woodwork Print C Odd Couple.jpg
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WOODWORK Spread 08.jpg
WOODWORK Spread 05.jpg
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Woodwork-Fieldwork combo 2.jpg


from £39.00

The South Downs is a landscape best known for its rolling grassland and wide open views from the hillsides to the sea. Surprising then, to learn that it has more woodland than any other national park in England or Wales. However, there are no great forest wildernesses here, and every inch of ancient woodland, traditional coppice and managed plantation is owned and accounted for. There are too many ‘private’ signs and barbed wire barriers, but with a little persistence it’s still possible to disappear into the trees and find a spot that feels entirely your own.

“If the open hills are where I go to escape, then the woods are where I go to get lost.”

The book features more than 100 photographs made over twelve years in the woodland of the South Downs, accompanied by a selection of words from the ancient Sussex dialect which evoke some of the details and subtleties of this unique landscape.

Book Spec
144 pages / 105 photographs
300 x 240mm
ISBN 978-1-7391278-1-7

Print Options
There are three special edition prints to accompany the book (see images above or click here). Each print will be made and signed by Finn. Prints measure 27x18cm on a 30x24cm sheet.
Print choice will be made during checkout.

UK postage: £4.50
nternational postage will be calculated during checkout.

This book is the companion to ‘Fieldwork’, which you can find here.
See edition options below for a special two-book deal.

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